
Wir sind International!


Thank you for your visit!

1.      Who we are?

  • People with a migration background or not (this does not matter)
  • People who enjoy meeting with others
  • People who are new in the country or people who are living here and want to meet, and to share ideas.

Everybody is welcome!

2.      When and where do we meet?

  • Every Tuesday at 18 00
  • At the Haus der Jugend, Aalen (if we want to do something special)
  • We do not meet on holidays


3.      What do we want to do?

  • It is up to the group to decide, we do not follow a fixed schedule.
  • Sometimes...

     - See a movie, theater...    

     - A tour through Aalen or other towns    

     - A game, billiard, bowling...    

     - Talking to each other, read...    

     Anything we want to do!

4.      What we do not want to be?

  • We are not a school or we are not giving a course.
  • We do not follow fixed schedules (except the timeframe)
  • We are not here to judge or discriminate other background, Religion, belief, gender, interest or life style.


5.      What is our goal?

  • One hour interesting time for everyone
  • To learn from each other
  • Respect for each other
  • To practice our German language skills in a friendly environment
  • To have fun together.